Dilyan Nachev, Attorney-at-law

Dilyan Nachev, Attorney-at-law

2005 – graduated from the National School for Ancient Languages and Cultures “Saint Constantin Cyril – the Philosopher”.
2010 – graduated from the Law Faculty in “Lyon 2” University (France) with a Master’s degree in “Comparative Business Law” and a formation in “University of Montreal” (Canada).
2016 – received an educational and scientific degree “Doctor” after a successful defense of a dissertation on “The Abuse of Rights /Notion, Field of Application, Consequences/“ - in Sofia University “Saint Kliment Ohridski”.

Professional and Scientific Activities:
06.2010 – 09.2010 – internship in “Ngo, Cohen, Amir-Aslani et associés” Law Firm (Paris, France).
02.2011 – 10.2013 – legal consultant in “Ilieva, Voutcheva and Co” Law Firm (Sofia).
10.2013 – Present – Attorney-at-law, member of the Sofia Bar Association.
09.2011 – 06.2017 – assistant professor at the Department of Theory and History of State and Law at the Law Faculty of Sofia University “Saint Kliment Ohridski”.
06.2017 – Present – chief assistant professor at the Department of Theory and History of State and Law at the Law Faculty of Sofia University “Saint Kliment Ohridski”.

Mediator registered in the Unified Register of Mediators at the Ministry of Justice.

List of Publications:


Bulgarian, French, English and Russian